Our Programmes
“Bringing big city opportunities to small town rangatahi”
Rangatahi Whakapuawai
Te Kete o Tama-nui-te-ra
Building innovative leaders and future proofing the leadership spaces of te ao Māori
Growing young leaders and empowering rangatahi to step into their rangatira space. This kaupapa is about nurturing their voices, talents, and confidence to create a brighter future for our communities.
Te Kete o Hina
Growing rangatahi resilience through employment opportunities and life skills.
This programme offers a range of workshops and mentoring opportunities that are designed to drive rangatahi excellence and build confidence. We are able to support rangatahi to understand finance, start businesses, learn life skills and more
Te Kete o Nga Whetu
Supporting our rangatahi to realise their potential in sport and Hauora
Investing in our rangatahi and identifying opportunities for development ensures they have the resources and opportunities to thrive and reach their potential.
Ngā Kaupapa Rangatahi
Services that are designed by rangatahi and for rangatahi
This kaupapa encourages rangatahi to break free from conventional boundaries, empowering them to think creatively, embrace innovation, and carve their own paths.