Nga Panui | Notices

Upcoming Events

  • Rangatahi Whakapuawai

    Rangatahi CV and interviewing workshop

    November 21 (5:00pm - 7:30pm)

    Rotorua (Email for more information)

    Join us for an impactful session on building your confidence and competence with CV’s and interviewing. With the summer season fast approaching, there are a number of opportunities out there for our rangatahi.

    Please get in touch to discuss this opportunity and build your knowledge base.


  • Community Day

    📢 Community Day for Rangatahi! 🛹🏀

    24 November 2024 (11:00am - 3:00pm)

    Puketawhero Park Owhata

    Join us for an exciting Community Day focused on giving our rangatahi a chance to explore new skills in a fun and supportive environment! This special day will provide spaces for kids to learn how to skateboard and play basketball, with guidance from experienced coaches and mentors. It’s all about encouraging our young people to get involved, try something new, and build confidence. Bring your friends, your energy, and a positive spirit—we look forward to seeing you there!

  • Rangatahi Business Growth

    🌟 Rangatahi Business Development Hui 🌟

    February 2025 (Date TBC)

    Rotorua (Venue TBC)

    Calling all rangatahi with an interest in business! Join us for an inspiring evening featuring a panel of three young Māori business owners sharing their unique journeys in the world of business. This event is a chance to hear firsthand about the challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned along the way. Come along to connect, learn, and be inspired by rangatahi who are making their mark. Don't miss this opportunity to spark your own entrepreneurial dreams and build valuable connections.

to 8 Sept

Rangatahi Leadership wānanga

This rangatahi leadership wananga is centered around supporting rangatahi to enter into their rangatira space. The wananga looks to support rangatahi to develop some of the cornerstones of leadership, as well as other skills that are crucial for holistic development.

The wananga will be hosted on a marae.

Attendance at this wananga is by expressions of interest, registration, and interview only.

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